On Germain Rukuki’s Release
Blog PostI welcome the decision of the Burundi Appeal Court of Ntahangwa to release of Human Rights Defender Germain Rukuki, who has…

Press Coverage of my Statement on HRDs in Long-Term Detention in UAE
Blog PostOn 10 June 2021, I issued a press release urging the Government of the United Arab Emirates to release Human…

Press Coverage of my Statement on HRDs in Long-Term Detention in Turkey
Blog PostOn 9 June 2021, I issued a press release urging the Government of Turkey to stop using vague terrorism charges…

Hearing in the Italian Senate on the case of Patrick Zaki
Blog PostWatch the full video here: https://webtv.senato.it/4621?video_evento=210001 Patrick Zaki is a human rights defender and researcher on human rights and gender…

Speech on Business and Human Rights Defenders
Blog PostOn 10 June 2021, I spoke at the open meeting of the Business Network on Civic Freedoms and Human Rights…

Video: It’s Time to Protect Environmental Human Rights Defenders
Blog Posthttps://www.youtube.com/embed/uDcFV2qm5Ps Environmental Human Rights Defenders protect the environment, and the human rights associated with it. They often face great personal…

To conserve nature, protect human rights
Blog PostOn 3 June 2021, together with other former and current UN Special Rapporteurs, I called on all Governments to ensure…

Risks for HRDs in Pakistan – My Interview with BBC World News
Blog PostOn 2 June 2021, I spoke to BBC World News about the situation of human rights defenders in Pakistan. The…

“My business received a communication from UN Special Procedures human right experts. What happens next?”
Blog PostCommunications are formal letters written by independent UN experts to States, businesses or other actors in response to human rights violations in which they are alleged to have played a role. These violations may have already occurred, be ongoing or have a high risk of occurring.

“What obligations do businesses have towards human rights defenders?”
Blog PostFollowing the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights, all businesses have an obligation to respect the entire spectrum of human rights, including the rights of human rights defenders.

Legislation on the protection of human rights defenders
Blog PostLegal recognition by States of human rights defenders and their activities provides defenders with a supportive framework within which they can emerge and act for the advancement of human rights. In enacting legislation to this end

“What obligations do States have towards human rights defenders?”
Blog PostHuman rights defenders are a vital part of all societies and States have a prime responsibility to protect them.