Official Statements

Showing 493 results for Official Letters and Statements
The flag of Madagascar flying against a blue sky

Madagascar : intimidations et poursuites pénales contre trois défenseurs des droits humains, lanceurs d’alerte et observateurs électoraux (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication envoyée au gouvernement de Madagascar à propos de menaces, intimidations et poursuites pénales à l’encontre de défenseurs des droits humains, qui semblent être en lien avec leur travail de défenseurs des droits humains, lanceurs d’alerte et observateurs électoraux.
• 18th Jun 2024
The flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo blowing in the wind.

République Démocratique du Congo : menaces de mort à l’encontre des défenseurs des droits humains Kavunja Justin et Eric Tonde (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication envoyée au gouvernement de la RDC à propos des menaces de mort et intimidations dont Kavunja Justin et Eric Tonde, ainsi que des membres de leurs familles, font l’objet.
• 6th Jun 2024
Black and white close up picture of Iranian woman human rights defender Sepideh Rashnu.

Iran: conviction and potential enforcement of the prison sentence of WHRD Sepideh Rashnu (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication sent to the Government of Iran about the conviction and potential enforcement of the prison sentence of women’s rights defender Sepideh Rashnu.
• 5th Jun 2024
The Egyptian flag is flying against a light blue sky.

Egypt: terrorism charges and arrest warrants issued against human rights lawyers Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelmajeed and Mohamed Issa Rajeh (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication about the terrorism charges and arrest warrants issued against human rights lawyers Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelmajeed and Mohamed Issa Rajeh, who work with the Egyptian Front for Human Rights.
• 31st May 2024
The flag of Kazakhstan blowing in the wind from the top of a flagpole, with a grey stormy sky in the background.

Kazakhstan: criminal charges against and placement on an international wanted list of WHRD Dinara Smailova (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication sent to the Government of Kazakhstan about the criminal charges against woman human rights defender Dinara Smailova and her placement on an international wanted list.
• 30th May 2024
The Brazilian flag on a pole blowing in the wind. The flag is green with a yellow diamond at its centre, inclosing a blue disc with a starry sky.

Brazil: threats, intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders in the context of the Volta Grande gold mining project (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication sent to the Governments of Brazil, Canada and the USA as well as other actors about alleged threats and intimidation of human rights defenders, including Indigenous Peoples and peasants, raising concerns about the potential negative impact of the proposed Volta Grande gold mining project.
• 27th May 2024
El defensor de los derechos humanos mexicano Versain Velasco García está de pie entre árboles y plantas. Lleva una camiseta negra con dos rayas blancas en la manga.

México: sentencia del defensor indígena maya tzotzil Versaín Velasco García a 58 años y cuatro meses de cárcel (comunicación conjunta)

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación enviada al Gobierno de México sobre la sentencia del defensor indígena maya tzotzil Versaín Velasco García a 58 años y cuatro meses de cárcel.
• 21st May 2024
A portrait photo of woman human rights defender Helena Maleno Garzón, a white woman with long hair dyed red and black. She is wearing a bright red scarf around the neck and is looking to the left of the camera.

Maroc: harcèlement, expulsion et interdiction d’entrée de la défenseuse des droits humains Helena Maleno Garzón (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication conjointe envoyée aux gouvernements marocain et espagnol à propos du harcèlement, de l’expulsion et de l’interdiction d’entrée au Maroc de la défenseuse des droits humains Helena Maleno Garzón.
• 17th May 2024
The flag of Georgia floating in the wind against a blue sky background.

Georgia: UN experts condemn adoption of Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence (Press Release)

Official Letters and Statements
Press Release: Adoption of the controversial ‘Foreign Agents’ law by the Georgian Parliament will have a chilling effect on civil society, journalists and human rights defenders and sends an extremely negative signal about the country’s commitment to human rights.
• 15th May 2024
The flag of Ecuador flying in the wind under a blue sky.

Expertas y expertos de la ONU llaman a consultas sustantivas para proyectos mineros en Ecuador (comunicado de prensa)

Official Letters and Statements
[Español / English] Comunicado de prensa: Las autoridades de Ecuador deben garantizar que las consultas ambientales en relación con los proyectos mineros se ajusten a las normas de derechos humanos.
• 14th May 2024
Mexican woman human rights defender Isela Gonzales Diaz is photographed in an indoor setting, sitting on a wooden chair with a plant in the background. She has short grey hair and is wearing a purple blouse with matching earrings.

México: intimidación y amenazas de muerte en contra de la defensora de los derechos humanos Isela González Díaz (comunicación conjunta)

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación conjunta enviada al Gobierno de México sobre intimidación y amenazas, incluso de muerte, en contra de la defensora de los derechos humanos, Sra. Isela González Díaz, directora de la Alianza Sierra Madre AC (ASMAC).
• 10th May 2024
The flag of Tajikistan flying in the wind under a blue sky.

Tajikistan: liquidation of over 700 non-governmental organisations from May 2022 to August 2023 (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication sent to the Government of Tajikistan about the reported liquidation of over 700 NGOs from May 2022 to August 2023.
• 8th May 2024