Showing 138 results for Information Received

Speaking with Human Rights Defenders in Russia about the Foreign Agents’ Law
Information ReceivedLast Monday, I met with Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) from Russia at the webinar organised by OVD-Info, Human Rights Center…

Happy International Women Human Rights Defenders’ Day
Information ReceivedToday, 29 November, we celebrate International Women Human Rights Defenders’ Day. For me it is a day to remember all…

Distressing news from Russia – Possible dissolution of International Memorial and HRC Memorial
Information ReceivedI’m hearing deeply distressing news from Russia: renowned NGOs International Memorial and HRC Memorial, who I have known & admired…

Información preocupante de Cuba: nueva detención de personas defensoras de los derechos humanos del CIR
Information Received
Regional meeting of Human Rights Defenders from North and West Africa in Cote d’Ivoire
Information ReceivedLate last month, one of my team, Ed O’Donovan, attended a regional meeting of Human Rights Defenders from North and…

Disturbing Reports from Poland’s Eastern Border
Information ReceivedI am hearing disturbing reports from people in Poland peacefully working for the rights of others. They say that migrants…

Meeting with Yanomami indigenous leaders in Geneva
Information ReceivedYesterday my team met with environmental human rights defenders and indigenous leaders of the Yanomami indigenous peoples in Brazil, Mr.…

Meeting with Human Rights Defenders from Ukraine
Information ReceivedOne month ago, I met with Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) from Ukraine: Anastasia Moskvychova, Andrey Zaritsky, Anna Medvedeva, Hanna Sokolova,…

200 días desde la desaparición de Grisell Pérez Rivera
Information ReceivedHoy se cumplen 200 días de la desaparición de la abogada y #defensoradederechoshumanos Grisell Pérez en Tlalmanalco,
México. El…

Journalists and Human Rights Defenders receive Nobel Peace Prize
Information ReceivedI was delighted to hear today that the work of Human Rights Defenders and journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov…

Hearing with migrants’ rights defenders in Greece
Information ReceivedLast week I held a hearing with human rights defenders engaged in solidarity with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in…

Launch of UN Report on Young Human Rights Defenders
Information ReceivedThe Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth has published a report on young Human Rights Defenders, an area…