Showing 138 results for Information Received

Academic study on the use of travel bans in the MENA region
Information ReceivedWhen travel bans are imposed on Human Rights Defenders, they can no longer carry out many of their important activities,…

Aniversários sombrios de assassinatos de defensores dos direitos humanos no Brasil
Information Received
Human Rights Voice – Stigmatisation of Human Rights Defenders
Information ReceivedStudent-run magazine, Human Rights Voice, have published a series of articles analysing the effects that stigma can have on human rights defenders.

Welcome to my new website!
Information ReceivedThis year, online work has become more important for us than ever. Since taking up the mandate of Special Rapporteur…

Rapport de la FIDH – En Israël, des campagnes pour asphyxier les défenseurs des droits humains israéliens, du Golan et de Palestine
Information Received[Ceci est un communiqué de presse de la FIDH] Paris – Genève, le 27 avril 2021 – Calomnies, campagnes de…

جلسة استماع لمدافعي حقوق الإنسان من السودان
Information Receivedخلال الشهر الماضي، شاركت في جلسة استماع لمدافعي حقوق الإنسان من السودان، تطلعت خلالها للاستماع للمدافعين من داخل للبلاد، للحديث عن عملهم والتحديات التي قد يواجهونها لا سيما المدافعين الناشطين خارج العاصمة الخرطوم.