Official Statements

Showing 515 results for Official Letters and Statements
the flag of zimbabwe flying against a blue sky

UN expert urges Zimbabwe to end judicial harassment of education and labour rights defenders (press release)

Official Letters and Statements
GENEVA (24 May 2023) – A UN expert today expressed concern about the ongoing legal proceedings against human rights defender…
• 25th May 2023
The flag of Algeria in the shape of the country.

Algérie : dissolution des associations Ligue Algérienne pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme et Rassemblement Actions Jeunesse (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication écrite par la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la situation des défenseurs et défenseuses…
• 24th May 2023
The flag of Colombia flying against a blue sky background.

Colombia: amenazas y agresiones en contra de Berenice Celeita Alayón y Lina Yajaira Peláez Celada de la asociación Nomadesc (comunicación conjunta)

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación escrita por la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de las personas defensoras…
• 23rd May 2023
Morris Mabior Awikjok is looking straight into the camera with a serious face.

South Sudan: alleged abduction, enforced disappearance, deportation, detention and torture of human rights defender Morris Mabior Awikjok (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is a summary of a communication sent to the Government of South Sudan about the alleged abduction, enforced disappearance, deportation, detention and torture of human rights defender Morris Mabior Awikjok.
• 19th May 2023
The flag of El Salvador flying in the wind

El Salvador: alegatos de supuesta detención arbitraria contra cinco defensores del medio ambiente (comunicación conjunta)

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación escrita por la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de las personas defensoras…
• 16th May 2023
A close-up of the Guinean flag flying in the wind

Guinée : allégations de détention arbitraire et de mauvais traitement de Mamadou Billo Bah et actes d’intimidation envers deux autres défenseurs des droits de l’homme (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication écrite par la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la situation des défenseurs et défenseuses…
• 10th May 2023
The flag of Latvia is flying against a blue sky background

Latvia: alleged undue use of criminal proceedings against human rights defenders Ieva Raubiško and Egils Grasmanis (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
This is the summary of a joint communication sent to the Government of Latvia about the undue use of criminal proceedings against human rights defenders Ieva Raubiško and Egils Grasmanis.
• 8th May 2023
A close-up picture of Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja looking to the right

Bahrain: allegations of torture, ill treatment and poor prison conditions of human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and other UN…
• 4th May 2023
The image shows a blue boat where Iuventa is written in white letters. Many people are standing on the boat and clinging to its railing.

Italy: alleged due process violations and other worrying developments related to the trial of HRDs in Trapani and the regulation of civilian search and rescue (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
Summary of an official communication sent to the Government of Italy raising concerns as to alleged due process violations and other worrying developments related to the trial of human rights defenders in Trapani and the regulation of civilian search and rescue.
• 3rd May 2023
A close-up of the Mexican flag

México: presunta detención arbitraria del defensor de los derechos humanos Francisco González Arredondo (comunicación conjunta)

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación escrita por la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de las personas defensoras…
• 2nd May 2023
Logo of the Moscow Helsinki Group, blue on a white background.

Russia: alleged impromptu inspection and dissolution of the Moscow Helsinki Group (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and other UN…
• 28th Apr 2023
Russian flag on a flagpole, blowing in the wind

Russia: UN expert submits amicus brief in case challenging dissolution of Moscow Helsinki Group (press release)

Official Letters and Statements
GENEVA (26 April 2023) – The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Mary Lawlor today submitted…
• 26th Apr 2023