Official Statements

Showing 493 results for Official Letters and Statements
The flag of Greece against a blue sky background

Greece: criminal investigations opened against human rights defenders Panayote Dimitras, Tommy Olsen, Madi Williamson and Ruhi Akhtar (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and another UN…
• 9th Mar 2023
The flag of Thailand flying from the side of a building

Thailand: two human rights defenders investigated and charged for offenses linked to their work protecting victims of torture and indigenous rights (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders and other UN…
• 2nd Mar 2023
The flag of Madagascar flying against a blue sky

Madagascar : convocation par la police de deux défenseurs des droits humains et dirigeants de Transparency International Madagascar (communication conjointe)

Official Letters and Statements
Ce qui suit est basé sur une communication écrite par la Rapporteuse spéciale sur la situation des défenseurs et défenseuses…
• 1st Mar 2023
Bolot Temirov is looking at the camera with a determined smile.

Kyrgyzstan: criminalisation, cancellation of his citizenship and deportation of HRD Bolot Temirov (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders to the Government…
• 23rd Feb 2023
The flag of Algeria in the shape of the country.

Algérie : Selon une experte de l’ONU, la répression contre la société civile et les défenseurs des droits de l’homme doit cesser (communiqué de presse)

Official Letters and Statements
GENÈVE (22 février 2023) – Une experte de l’ONU s’est déclarée aujourd’hui préoccupée par la répression croissante contre la société…
• 22nd Feb 2023
the peruvian flag flying in the wind on top of a building

Perú: presuntas amenazas y actos de hostigamiento contra defensores de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en la Amazonía peruana

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación escrita por la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de las personas defensoras…
• 17th Feb 2023
Portrait photo of Waldo Albarracín Sánchez. He is wearing a dark grey suit with a black and white tie and a thinky striped shirt. He is wearing some glasses.

Bolivia: presunto uso indebido del derecho penal, amenazas y actos de hostigamiento contra el Sr. Waldo Albarracín Sánchez

Official Letters and Statements
Lo que sigue se basa en una comunicación escrita por la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de las personas defensoras…
• 16th Feb 2023
flag of zimbabwe flying against a blue sky

Zimbabwe: successive assaults, detentions and charges against human rights lawyer Douglas James Coltart (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders to the Government…
• 10th Feb 2023
Flag of India blowing in wind

India: Concerns regarding the death of environmental human rights defender R. Jaganathan (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders to the Government…
• 9th Feb 2023
the image shows part of a blue boat where Iuventa is written in white letters. Many people are standing on the boat and clinging to its railing.

Italy: Criminalisation of human rights defenders engaged in sea-rescue missions must end, says UN expert (Press Release)

Official Letters and Statements
GENEVA (9 February 2023) – A UN expert* today condemned the criminalisation and repression of human rights defenders involved in…
• 9th Feb 2023
The flag of Saudi Arabia flying against a blue sky.

Saudi Arabia: Continued arbitrary detention of Mohammad al-Rabiah, Issa Al-Nukhaifi after the expiry of their sentence and risk to life of Dr. Mohammad al-Qahtani (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders to the Government…
• 1st Feb 2023
The flag of Singapore is at full-mast blowing in the wind against a blue sky background.

Singapore: investigation into HRDs Kirsten Han & Rocky Howe allegedly in connection with their advocacy against death penalty (joint communication)

Official Letters and Statements
The following is based on a communication written by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders to the Government…
• 31st Jan 2023