Prison sentence of Germain Rukuki reduced

UPDATE 30 June 2021: Germain Rukuki is released.

I’ve received encouraging reports that Human Rights Defender Germain Rukuki has had his prison sentence drastically reduced, from 32 years to 1 year. He has already served four years in prison. This is a great day for the recognition of the work of Human Rights Defenders, particularly those serving long term sentences.

More information from Protection International here:

Germain is a Human Rights Defender and the former treasurer for Action by Christians Against Torture (ACAT), member of the Association of Catholic Jurists of Burundi and president of the Njabutsa Tujane Community Association for the fight against poverty and hunger and the improvement of the health of the population.

Over the years, three Special Procedures communications have been sent to the Government of Burundi on his case.

Communication – 29 December 2020 Communication – 4 May 2018 Communication – 28 July 2017


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